I pray everyone had a groovy holiday? I did have a video ready to go but I deleted it of course, because that’s what I do sometimes. Involuntary mouse clicks…anyone else? So that particular ephemera card is just going to end up a short […]
Tag: diy
Ditty 12*20*21
Beautiful afternoon to you! I had so much fun creating the late night/ early morning video for you, that I am about to do another, beginning to end tutorial. I have double prepared, and have learned some new edit tips. Hopefully I understood them […]
Ditty 11*23*21-1
Good day wonderful crafting, art-ing, generally interested in fun DIY eye candy, beings. I am Gramma. Sweet to make your interest, and of course, it’s nice to meet you all too. As named above, I am a gramma and a preachers wife, who likes […]