Good almost noon! Hope everyone is doing well. Last week I left off with a pretty little body form page. Today, I am going to show a few more, and get a tutorial short video together to show how I did it all. That will be posted later today…. or tomorrow. If you’ve seen junk journals before, or have made them, I’m sure you know how to create your own magnificence.
Let’s get going on those sweet looking body form pages. After I made my first post, I started doing a few I already had cut out. I ended up cutting a whole lot. Kind of got a wee carried away with it but meh. I’ll just make a thicker journal right? I cut the template out using cardstock. Then cut more out of brown craft paper. That’s the above photo. I’m pretty sure I need flat sheets of brown craft paper. Trying to cut the whole roll with tiny scissors? Yep, I did that. I am certainly NOT using my perfect sewing scissors to cut paper.
I was able to get 3 pages each out of a long ways cut, with all kinds of trim for whatever else I feel like using it for. Most likely little cluster thingy’s (another ditty perhaps). It’s actually really great to start the wood stove too when you run out of newspaper. Ok so here’s a group shot.
Yes that candy bar is yummy. I’m going to just say it, I did a bit more than intended with these. I got all excited, and kept gluing, cutting, and inking away, until I realized…. I went and chased another butterfly. I was able to curb the flow somewhat, and did only one side of some. I want to keep some nice blanks as well for designing something…maybe.
As you can see in the picture above, I had a bit of an issue with bubbles on the one. I am still technically only a beginner at these. I also glued some flowery fabric to another. Not sure about that one yet. Hoping I’ll be able to get a few pages into it for you without it being too time consuming. Soooo… I’ll be going for the moment to get that tutorial recorded and get it posted promptly. Or in awhile.. probably. ohhh look, a butterfly..
I’ll leave you with this other ditty short. Definitely one of my favorite crafts. Too cold and I need to replenish the gourd stock. I will have to do one of those soon. This one, I believe ended up crashing to a few pieces.
Ya”ll Have a most beautiful day and I’ll type at you soon.