Spring is in the air….I have been on hiatus way too long. I am back to the creative moods. This little gem, is a treasure map scroll. It was so fun to create with little scroll clues, tucked into a pocket behind the map. I will make this again only a bit larger, with slots to hold the clues. I hope you enjoy, and have a most beautiful day!
I pray everyone had a groovy holiday? I did have a video ready to go but I deleted it of course, because that’s what I do sometimes. Involuntary mouse clicks…anyone else? So that particular ephemera card is just going to end up a short flip through. I also ran into the GAH!!! where did my new shipment of ink go? Did I wrap it accidentally and the kids get it? I like the boxes they come in, so I wont throw it out. So I had to eat tail, call, explain, (hoot) and I have more coming. Yeah. I also went around and found everything else I have printed, for other things that didn’t get made or used as of yet, of course. I came up with this little actually pretty large idea.
I thought I’d be all crazy crafty wise on this and cut the shape of the moon from the inside…….to the outer cover. Hahahaha!!!! I should learn to use an exacto knife. Big scissors, little scissors, tearing, bending..not really. But it was a wee…just a wee, bit difficult and tedious. Then of course I wasn’t liking the fact it decided to not close the way I’d have liked. So… that’s where those nifty stick tags come in. I quickly realized I still messed something up. It still wouldn’t close right. AHHH HA! I had to find something for the right side bottom. I still need to finish inking and a few more embellishments, but I really like how this turned out. I will do a full video toot, just not shaped like a moon. This craft is addicting… here’s a little flip through of what is done so far. Have a most peaceful day….. I for some reason can not embed the video short. Here is the link. I will try to fix this asap.
Good morning, and a beautiful winter solstice to you all. Alright, I finally got the video edited and loaded. Not much choice on back round music to fit the length’s, other than on the phone’s app. I might need to buy some music. This one you can tell what I had prepared to do, was completely ignored, by me, to make that fantastic gate idea. I also got a little off on what side to tear for the red pocket (insert v8 smack). I’m looking into better video editing apps, but I was able to watch some tip vids and got it right side up and full screen. Yeah for gramma learning a new techy trick! Ok enough coffee babbling…..On with the Holiday Ehpemera Tag!!! Thank you for joining me on this ditty, I hope you enjoy!
Beautiful afternoon to you! I had so much fun creating the late night/ early morning video for you, that I am about to do another, beginning to end tutorial. I have double prepared, and have learned some new edit tips. Hopefully I understood them enough…hehe. Here’s a sneak peek. I hope you’ll join me for this little ditty. I’ll be posting the video soon. Have a most wonderful rest of your day!!!
Groovy late night, early morning to all of you! I finished the short.. ahem… really long, I have no idea how that happened, tutorial-ish, video. Honestly, how does it get to be so long when your having so much fun, and going as fast as you can? I was even prepared with what I was using. Well, mostly…sort of.. Ok, some. I can admit it. I also had extreme fun while recording. I hope you enjoy this little ditty as well. So, from beginning to end, a holiday tag, card, gift, gift card holder, ephemera collaged, piece of groovy art!
Good Morning beautiful people!! Well I went and made another holiday tag. I couldn’t sleep, so I watched docs and crafted. I’m really liking making these. So I think I’ll be doing another video today. Crafting a tag with ya’ll if you’d like. I hope I can inspire you to join me. Here’s the newest. Not inked all the way yet. Have a groovy afternoon. I know will.
Good afternoon all!! It’s been way toooo long. I apologize. I got side tracked into the season. No excuses, I got sucked right up into it. The shopping, the tree out from storage, the fun of hiding the elf for the littles… I even got a little bit side tracked into some holiday ephemera. So for the moment, the sewing journal is on hold.
While I’m typing, I’m trying to get the video uploaded. Of course it wants to be a pain in my hind-end too. Haha.. It’s backwards and you can’t read it. I have no idea why it has the strip middle focus. Anyone? YT is having issues. I can flip the photo right. Maybe I shouldn’t use word paper. hehe Multi-tasking is not fun sometimes…but it has do be done. No use letting the mellow be harshed. It’s short and sweet. So….What’s in Gramma’s Ditty bag today? Dun Dun Dun!!!!!
Holiday Gift Tags!! These have “multi” pockets and tucks. They can be used as a card, with a tuck spot or pocket to hold your tidings. The extra tags have a secret pocket which is big enough to hold a gift card, (perfect for gift card gifters) or even cash. These tags have so much purpose. My youngest made one for a tree ornament. These four are finished, but I will do another tutorial video as well, showing how I accomplished these cute little tags.
holiday tags
WOOHOO!!!. I finally got the video to upload. It didn’t want to load from my phone, which is how I have to record, then I send it to laptop if short enough. That didn’t work either. Sent it right back to my channel via phone and it worked. And Voila!
Thank you for peeking in the ditty bag with me today! I’ll be back soon….ish?? haha.. If I’m not back quickly, just know I more than likely saw another butterfly…(hoohooo sidetracked) again. I wish you all a very happy, healthy, peaceful holidays!
I spent the afternoon making another page for the sewing form journal. I made a shutter for it. I also want to add a button or something for a clasp of some sort, to keep it closed evenly. I took a few photos, and created a video snippet. I’m really starting to have fun with this journal. You all have a peaceful night!
Alright! I got the video of only one page actually. It was getting a bit too long. I sped it up to some groovy music. There are plenty of bloopers. I also didn’t realize I hit the phone with my head. That was weird. Haha. I haven’t gotten all editing down yet either so that’s still in it. Anywho… I hope you enjoy!. I’m going to have to make more pages and flip through. I thought I rotated it too, but nope..GAH!! lol.
Papers are freebies and paid for, created by fantastic artists. Have a groovy day/night
Good almost noon! Hope everyone is doing well. Last week I left off with a pretty little body form page. Today, I am going to show a few more, and get a tutorial short video together to show how I did it all. That will be posted later today…. or tomorrow. If you’ve seen junk journals before, or have made them, I’m sure you know how to create your own magnificence.
Sooooo many pages to play with
Let’s get going on those sweet looking body form pages. After I made my first post, I started doing a few I already had cut out. I ended up cutting a whole lot. Kind of got a wee carried away with it but meh. I’ll just make a thicker journal right? I cut the template out using cardstock. Then cut more out of brown craft paper. That’s the above photo. I’m pretty sure I need flat sheets of brown craft paper. Trying to cut the whole roll with tiny scissors? Yep, I did that. I am certainly NOT using my perfect sewing scissors to cut paper.
I was able to get 3 pages each out of a long ways cut, with all kinds of trim for whatever else I feel like using it for. Most likely little cluster thingy’s (another ditty perhaps). It’s actually really great to start the wood stove too when you run out of newspaper. Ok so here’s a group shot.
Group Photo
Yes that candy bar is yummy. I’m going to just say it, I did a bit more than intended with these. I got all excited, and kept gluing, cutting, and inking away, until I realized…. I went and chased another butterfly. I was able to curb the flow somewhat, and did only one side of some. I want to keep some nice blanks as well for designing something…maybe.
back sides
As you can see in the picture above, I had a bit of an issue with bubbles on the one. I am still technically only a beginner at these. I also glued some flowery fabric to another. Not sure about that one yet. Hoping I’ll be able to get a few pages into it for you without it being too time consuming. Soooo… I’ll be going for the moment to get that tutorial recorded and get it posted promptly. Or in awhile.. probably. ohhh look, a butterfly..
I’ll leave you with this other ditty short. Definitely one of my favorite crafts. Too cold and I need to replenish the gourd stock. I will have to do one of those soon. This one, I believe ended up crashing to a few pieces.
Ya”ll Have a most beautiful day and I’ll type at you soon.
Good day wonderful crafting, art-ing, generally interested in fun DIY eye candy, beings. I am Gramma. Sweet to make your interest, and of course, it’s nice to meet you all too.
As named above, I am a gramma and a preachers wife, who likes to DIY arts and crafts. First time (day) blogger, and video maker. I get on kicks that may last for months, or I might feel like once is enough. There really is only umpteen zillion fails before I might… realize I can’t create something. For the last couple of months, I’ve been trying my hand at Junk Journals. Well….. more the ephemera parts of them. But I finally decided to try finishing the boho one, before I started another…Yeah Riiiiiighttt… hehehe. They are fantastically versatile, for whatever your creative minds can conjure.
So, for my first what craft is in my ditty bag post, I will hopefully load up my first boho junk journal flip-through video, and a sneak peak at the next one I’m working on. Please bear with me, the youngins (yt whizz & sibling) are in school, the hubby is in a meeting (napping lol), so I am teaching myself how to do this. I’m sure I’ll be bloopering all over the place. I will also try to add links of where I found digital printables. Without trying to embed whatever that long code thing is. Bwahaha.
Had to start the you tube channel as well. Ha, I’m a nut.
I might have to update, or do another post for links to the digital papers. I’ll get there eventually. I know there’s a way without the entire site to pop up.
I will be posting other groovy crafts I’ve done as well. So fret not, ( me mostly), I too, like jj’s, can be versatile.
Have a most peaceful day, and try to figure out what you’d like to pull out of your own ditty bag.
Almost forgot the sneak peek. I might get frustrated with it… very tedious.